How to Start Affiliate Marketing and Make Money for Beginners in 2025

Affiliate Guide: How to Start Affiliate Marketing and Make Money for Beginners in 2025

Share a product and make money. That’s all it takes to do affiliate marketing. This guide will teach you how to start affiliate marketing for beginners and make money.

In this guide, you will learn what affiliate marketing is and how it works. You will also learn how to create content, how to get traffic, how to pick a product to promote, and how to persuade your audience to buy. By the end of this guide, you will be on your way to becoming a high-paying affiliate marketer.

Feel free to bookmark this page for reference so you can return to this article easily.

There will be a lot to cover in this affiliate marketing guide, so if there is a specific section you’d like to read, you can use the table of contents below. With that said, let’s get started.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the process of recommending someone else’s products. An affiliate marketer uses their content to share recommended products with their audience. When someone clicks on their affiliate link and buys a recommended product, the affiliate earns a commission (a fraction of the sale).

You probably have encountered affiliate marketing online without realizing it. Here are examples of affiliate marketing online:

  • A YouTuber advertises a sponsor and shares a link in the description
  • A YouTuber tells you what books to read and gives links in the description
  • A blogger shows you how to use a specific product and shares a link to it
  • A website shares the best action cameras and provides links to them

This WebCents Blog also has affiliate links. At the top of every post, you see a disclosure that tells you I make a commission if you buy something through one of my affiliate links.

All of these situations are some kind of affiliate marketing. Let’s break down how exactly these affiliate marketers are making money.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

Affiliate marketers, or affiliates for short, are creators who attract an audience in a specific niche. They create content and, over time, gain interested followers. Once they have enough followers, they recommend products they believe can help their followers.

To recommend a product, an affiliate shares their affiliate link. This link contains a tracking code unique to them. When someone clicks on their affiliate link, a cookie tracks their interactions on the product page. If it sees that they bought the product, the affiliate is credited with a commission, which is a fraction of the sale.

Affiliates pick products from sellers that are in their niche and get their affiliate links. If the affiliate creates content that aligns with the product they want to promote, they can advertise the product in their content and share their affiliate link.

An affiliate acts as the middleman between the seller and potential customers. Because of affiliates, sellers receive valuable customers for their products. This is why sellers are willing to pay commissions to affiliates. Without them, they probably would go out of business.

Example of Affiliate Marketing

Here is an example to help illustrate affiliate marketing.

John is online, looking for a new kind of soft drink to buy. On Martin’s blog, John learns about Fizz. The blog post convinces John that Fizz tastes just as good as any soft drink, all without artificial colors and added ingredients. John also learns that Fizz has health benefits and can improve his physical fitness. He clicks Martin’s link and purchases a pack of Fizz bottles.

In this example, Martin is the affiliate. Martin does not own the Fizz product, but he was able to show John the benefits of Fizz in a blog post. Because John bought Fizz using Martin’s link, Martin earned a commission and made money as an affiliate.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

There are a few good reasons to make money with affiliate marketing:

  • Unlike an online store, you don’t need to own a product yourself.
  • You don’t need to provide customer support. (Just redirect customer complaints to the seller.)
  • You can make streams of passive income.
  • You can scale your income by selling higher-paying products.
  • It’s a win-win-win: a win for you, a win for the seller, and a win for the customer.

Now, while affiliate marketing is a very simple strategy, it takes a lot of time and effort. Don’t worry. In this guide, I’ll break down step by step what you need to do to become a successful affiliate.

Steps to Start Affiliate Marketing and Make Money for Beginners

It’s time to learn how to start affiliate marketing and make money for beginners. In the next sections, I will guide you through the following steps:

  1. Pick one niche to become an expert in.
  2. Pick a platform to create content.
  3. Find topics for your content.
  4. Create several pieces of content.
  5. Get traffic to your content.
  6. Sign up for an affiliate marketplace.
  7. Pick a product to promote.
  8. Get your affiliate link.
  9. Create product-related content.
  10. Rinse and repeat.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Pick a Niche

Since affiliate marketing is all about creating content, you need to pick a niche so you know what topics to talk about.

A niche is an area of life that some people are interested in. Here are some examples of niches to choose from:

  • Personal finance
  • Travel
  • Food and cuisine
  • Cooking recipes
  • Games and gameplays
  • Technology
  • Health and fitness
  • Spirituality
  • YouTube vlogs
  • Entertainment

The goal is to be an expert in your niche and get people to trust you so you can sell them as an affiliate later.

Pick a niche you are passionate about or at least interested in. That way, you can keep creating content without feeling burned out. Affiliate marketing relies on a lot of quality content, so it’s important to stay productive.

If you want to make consistent income, you can pick a niche in the evergreen markets of health, wealth, or relationships. However, keep in mind that, if you are not interested in health, wealth, or relationships, pick a niche you would rather talk about.

Step 2: Pick a Platform

Next, you need to decide where you will create your content. There are several platforms where you can create content on the Internet:

All you need to do is pick a platform that sounds like a place you’re comfortable with. If there is a social media platform you’re not familiar with, visit their website and look around to get an idea of what it’s like to be a creator there.

Once you pick your platform, sign up for an account. After your account is set up, you’ll be ready to create content.

Step 3: Find Topics for Your Content

The first step to creating content is to figure out what topics to talk about. This might seem very boring, but with AI, it’s easier than ever to come up with topic ideas in your niche.

For example, just tell ChatGPT: “Give me topics to talk about in [your niche here].” When I asked ChatGPT about topics in the blogging niche, here’s what I got:

Once you have some topics, put them down on a note-taking app or a piece of paper. If you need more topics, you can ask ChatGPT for more.

Here are some other ways to find topics in your niche:

  • Join relevant Facebook groups in your niche
  • Find questions on Quora that people are asking in your niche
  • Search for YouTube channels in your niche and see what videos they have
  • Look up blogs in your niche and see what topics they wrote about

Again, put down any new topics you find on your note-taking app or piece of paper.

Step 4: Create Several Pieces of Content

Now, depending on the platform you picked in the previous step, you need to make content that is relevant to your platform. Here are the content types for each specific platform:

  • Blogs have articles called blog posts that are between 1,000 and 5,000 words long.
  • YouTube channels have long-form videos and Shorts that are 60 seconds or less.
  • Facebook pages have posts and short-form videos called Reels.
  • X pages have short posts, images, and videos.
  • Instagram pages have photos or artwork along with a description.
  • Pinterest profiles have pins that provide visuals and other information.
  • TikTok channels have videos that are 60 minutes or less.

Steps to Create Content

Follow these steps to create a piece of content:

  1. Pick one topic from your list of topics. Use ChatGPT if you need more topics.
  2. Do some research on the topic by reading blog posts or watching YouTube videos.
  3. As you learn, write down notes on your note-taking app or a piece of paper.
  4. Create an outline based on what you have learned about the topic.
  5. Use your outline to help you write or film your content.
  6. Double-check for errors in your content.
  7. Publish your content to your platform.

Free AI Tools

If you would like to use AI to help you create content, here are a few free recommendations:

While AI is great for helping you make content, you should avoid posting AI-generated images and visuals that are meant to deceive your audience.

Rinse and Repeat

Now follow this same step again to create another piece of content.

It’s important to create content regularly to keep your content up to date. See how often you should publish content for optimal success:

Step 5: Get Traffic to Your Content

You now need people, also known as traffic, to check out your content. There are a few ways you can get traffic to your content:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Online communities
  • Social media collaborations

I’ll go through each of these methods in this section.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is the process of optimizing your content to be found on search engines like Google or YouTube. This is a great way to get traffic if you have a blog or a YouTube channel. SEO might not be helpful if you post on social media or on forum sites like Quora.

Online communities

Another place to get people to your content is an online community or group. You can join a community, interact with fellow members like friends, and then give your thoughts by sharing your content. Here are some online communities you can join:

Whatever group you choose, remember to act naturally and be friendly. Share your content sparingly and do not share the exact same content multiple times to avoid being flagged for spamming.

Social media collaborations

A social media collaboration is when you team up with another social media influencer to make content together. The two of you will post this content on your own social media channels.

Here are the steps to start a social media collaboration:

  1. Pick a bigger influencer in your niche (with thousands of followers).
  2. Find their contact information on their social media page or website.
  3. Tell them that you are interested in collaborating. Tell them how you can help and what kind of content you would like to create with them.
  4. Wait for their response. Be nice and answer any questions they may have.
  5. Create content together.
  6. Post your created content on your channel and give a public shout-out to your partner.
  7. Wait for them to post the content on their channel to get traffic from them.

Step 6: Sign Up for an Affiliate Marketplace

Once you have enough traffic visiting your content, you’re ready to do affiliate marketing.

If you already have a product or brand you want to promote, you can skip to Step 7.

The best way to start as an affiliate is by signing up for an affiliate marketplace. This is a company that shows you many products and brands that you can choose to promote. These marketplaces have brands that you will certainly be familiar with.

Note that some affiliate marketplaces may call affiliates “publishers,” “influencers,” “partners,” or “creators.” These are all different terms that mean the same thing.

There are many affiliate marketplaces to choose from, including these:

Network nameDescription
Impact RadiusA network used by many online brands worldwide to find partners
ClickBankA network that has connected sellers with affiliates online for over 20 years
AwinA network that has connected many digital brands with affiliate marketers
CJ AffiliateA network that has been established in the online business industry since 1998
JVZooA network focused on selling low-ticket digital affiliate offers

I’ll guide you through each affiliate marketplace so you know what to expect.

Impact Radius

Impact Radius (or simply Impact) is a company that connects some of the world’s biggest online brands with individuals and businesses who can promote their brands. These include news and media publishers, social media influencers, and yes, affiliate marketers. Big brands using Impact include Forbes, Shopify, CNN, and Microsoft.

Follow these steps to sign up for Impact:

  1. Click “Sign In” at the top.
  2. Under “No account?” at the bottom, select “Partner.”
  3. Sign up using your email or your Google, Facebook, X, Apple, or LinkedIn account.
  4. To log in to Impact, click “Sign In” on the home page and enter your login or social info.


ClickBank is a marketplace that advertises digital products such as courses, e-books, and membership sites, from sellers all around the world. If your niche is related to business, health, or technology, ClickBank is a great place to get started finding products as a beginner affiliate.

Follow these steps to sign up for ClickBank:

  1. Click “Log In” at the top of the home page.
  2. Click “create an account here” at the bottom.
  3. Enter your country, name, email, phone number, and then create a password.
  4. Click the button to read the Terms and Conditions, then check the box to agree.
  5. Click “Create Account.”
  6. To log in to ClickBank, click “Log In” on the home page and enter your login info.

Check out my ClickBank guide to learn how to start as an affiliate on ClickBank.


Awin has a list of over 30,000 businesses who are in need of affiliate marketers. These merchants include Buzzfeed, Etsy, and NBC.

Follow these steps to sign up for Awin:

  1. Click “Get Started” at the top.
  2. Click “Sign up to Awin” in the “Publisher” section.
  3. Click to either create an account or sign up using your Instagram account.
  4. Follow the steps to create your Awin account.
  5. To log in to Awin, click “Login” at the top and enter your login info.

CJ Affiliate

Just like Impact, CJ Affiliate (aka Commission Junction) is a company that has brought thousands of big brands and partners together. It is a well-respected name in the industry, having been around since 1998. Brands using CJ Affiliate include TurboTax, Barnes & Noble, and NordVPN.

Follow these steps to sign up for CJ Affiliate:

  1. Click “Get Started” at the top.
  2. Under “Publishers & Influencers,” click “Sign Up.”
  3. Enter your language, country, and email, then create a password.
  4. Verify your email address to complete the sign-up process.
  5. To log in to CJ, click “Log In” at the top and enter your login info.


While it’s not as popular as the other marketplaces, JVZoo is great for affiliates who want to promote trending low-ticket offers. I’d only recommend JVZoo if you are actively posting content about the latest digital products on the market.

Follow these steps to sign up for JVZoo:

  1. Click “Start for Free” at the top.
  2. Enter your name, email, password, and country of citizenship.
  3. Verify your account to complete the sign-up process.
  4. To log in to JVZoo, click “Login” at the top and enter your login info.

Step 7: Find a Product to Promote

You’re now ready to select a product in your niche to promote.

If You Don’t Know What to Promote

If you’re not sure what product or brand you want to promote, you can use the marketplace you signed up for to get ideas.

  • Impact: go to "Brands" > "Find Brands."
  • ClickBank: click “Affiliate Marketplace” on the left.
  • Awin: go to "Advertisers" > "My Programmes" > "All Programmes."
  • CJ: go to "Advertisers" > "Category."
  • JVZoo: go to “Products” on the left to find a product launch calendar, featured offers, and top-selling offers.

Follow these steps to find a good product to promote in your niche:

  1. If possible, filter the list by category or niche so you can quickly find products relevant to you.
  2. If you’re not familiar with a product or brand, google it.
  3. Go to the product or brand’s website or sales page to learn more about it.
  4. Using Google, find reviews of the product on blog posts or YouTube videos.
  5. Visit Google Trends to see if other people are actively searching for that product. Avoid promoting products very few people are searching for.
  6. If you like the product or brand and it has good reviews and is popular, you can select it and sign up to become an affiliate for it.
  7. Some brands have an approval process. Make sure your content is high-quality and generates good traffic before signing up.

You might also want to check out my relevant blog posts to help you find the right product on the marketplace:

If You Already Know What to Promote

If you already know what product or brand you would like to promote as an affiliate, just go straight to their website. If you don’t know their website URL, just search for it on Google.

Once you’re on their website, look around the navigation or footer of their website. You should see a link for affiliates, such as “Affiliate Program” or “Partners.”

Here’s an example of a website with a link to an affiliate program at the bottom of the page.

Another way is to enter into Google: “[brand name] affiliate program.”

Once you find your product or brand’s affiliate program, just sign up and follow the steps to create your affiliate account with them. In some cases, you may need to sign up or log in to a marketplace account in order to become their affiliate.

After you’ve signed up, you should now have an affiliate account with them or a partnership with them on your marketplace account.

Step 8: Get Your Affiliate Link

At this point, you now have an affiliate account with a product or you signed up to promote a brand on your marketplace account. Now, it’s time to go get your affiliate link.

How to Find Your Affiliate Link

If you signed up on a product or brand’s website, you may need to look around the different sections of your account to find it.

If you are on a marketplace account, here’s how to get to your affiliate link for a brand:

  • Impact: go to Brands > My Brands. Click “Create Link” under the brand name.
  • ClickBank: go to “Affiliate Marketplace,” find the product you want to promote, then click “Promote.” Select your account nickname to get your link.
  • Awin has multiple ways to create affiliate links. Learn more here.
  • CJ: go to “Advertisers,” find the brand you signed up for, then click “Get Links.”
  • JVZoo: go to “Affiliates” > “Approved Products.” Next to the product, click “Get Link.

Once you see your affiliate link, copy and paste it into a text file so you can come back to it without having to go to your affiliate account.

How to Shorten Your Affiliate Link

Many affiliate links are long and ugly, filled with random characters. This can make people who see it hesitant to click on them.

As a result, you might want to shorten an affiliate link to make it look cleaner and more trustworthy. Here are some tools you can use to help shorten your affiliate links:

If you have a WordPress blog, you can use the Pretty Links plugin. This way, you can cloak your affiliate links using your root domain and a slash name (

Step 9: Create Product-Related Content

So you have a product to promote and a link to promote it. The next step is to create content that is intended to sell the product. Yes, that’s in addition to the content you already have.

This is where many beginner affiliates fail. A lot of them think that you can get easy sales by just pasting affiliate links anywhere on your existing content.

The reality is that you need to explain the product to your audience. Nobody knows why you’re pitching them unless you tell them. And this is why you should make product-related content.

There are three types of product-related content:

  1. Product reviews
  2. Product comparisons
  3. Product lists

Let’s go over what each one is and how you can create them.

1. Product reviews

A product review is a detailed explanation of a product’s pros and cons, and your opinion on whether it does what it is intended to do. If you’re like most people, you read or watch reviews of a product before buying it online. That way, you have an idea of what to expect and whether it can solve your problem.

You should buy the product yourself to do a proper product review. If you’re not ready to buy the product, try making a product comparison or product list instead.

Whether in writing or on video, a product review can include:

  • An overview of the pros and cons
  • Your thoughts on first using the product
  • How your life has been affected by the product
  • Your suggestions on how to use the product better
  • Better alternatives to the product in certain cases
  • What kind of people the product is intended for
  • Images and/or videos of you using the product
  • Conclusion that summarizes your review

You can create your product review as a blog post, YouTube video, TikTok video, or Facebook post. If you’re on X, Pinterest, or Instagram, you can create a short summary of the product using text, images, and videos, and how your audience can benefit from it.

2. Product comparisons

A product comparison compares two similar products you want to promote. The idea behind a product comparison is to provide different aspects that the two products share and decide which product performs better. For example, a camera comparison might decide which camera does better for exposure, focus, zoom, nighttime shots, underwater shots, etc.

A product comparison should also be unbiased and leave the decision up to the audience.

Follow these steps to make a product comparison:

  1. Experiment with your products if you own them.
  2. If you don’t own them, do careful research on each product using Google or YouTube to make sure you know how to compare them.
  3. Write down different aspects and how well each product did with each aspect.
  4. Create your comparison content with the information you learned.

3. Product lists

A product list provides a list of products for your audience to choose from. These product lists are titled something like “best laptops for gamers in 2025.” Product lists are easy to make since you only need to summarize each one so that you have time to mention others.

Note that you don’t need to have an affiliate link for every single product in your list, but at least one or two.

Follow these steps to make a product list:

  1. Determine what keywords people are searching for to find the product. For example, someone interested in a DJI Osmo Mobile 6 might search for “best phone gimbals in 2025.”
  2. Use this keyword as the topic of your product list.
  3. Research for other products that would fit this topic.
  4. Write down the strengths and weaknesses of each product.
  5. Create your list content with the information you learned.

Paste Your Affiliate Links

Once you’ve finished making your product-related content, you can paste your affiliate links. If you shortened your affiliate links, make sure to paste those instead of the original links.

The best way to add your affiliate links is by using a call-to-action. This is a phrase that is meant to make your audience excited about buying the product you’re promoting.

Select a call-to-action and then paste your affiliate link next to the call-to-action (or on a blog, use your call-to-action as anchor text).

Here are examples (and non-examples) of a call-to-action:

  • Buy Now
  • Get Started
  • Subscribe Today
  • Let’s Go
  • Learn More
  • Name of My Product
  • Click here

Add an Affiliate Disclosure

Any time you have affiliate links in your content, you need to include an affiliate disclosure. This is a statement that tells your audience that you have affiliate links and that you earn a commission if they sign up or purchase through your links. This is to comply with best marketing practices and agencies that advocate for these practices like the FTC in the United States.

You can write your affiliate disclosure at the top of your blog post, in your YouTube description, or in your social media post. Here’s an example of an affiliate disclosure:

This article contains affiliate links to products and services I recommend. If you click one of these links and buy or sign up for the product or service, I will earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

Step 10: Rinse and Repeat

Congratulations, you created your first product content as an affiliate marketer! But the work doesn’t stop. Here are some things you should continue to do:

  • Repeat steps 7 and 8 to find a new product to promote.
  • Repeat step 9 to create another piece of content for your product.
  • Repeat step 4 to keep your content fresh and up to date.

Yes, affiliate marketing requires a lot of content creating. While you can take a break from your content to generate passive income, it’s still important not to completely abandon your content.

Make time for your content every now and then to make sure your content is still relevant to your audience.

Affiliate Marketing High-Paying Tips

So that’s it for how to become an affiliate marketer. In this section, I’ll give you some tips on how you can boost the income you make from affiliate marketing.

There are three things you can do:

  1. Set up email marketing
  2. Move to a second platform
  3. Learn how to do online marketing

Let’s go over each of these.

Tip 1: Set Up Email Marketing

Email marketing is the process of sending emails to subscribers to keep them interested in your niche and the products you’re promoting. It lets you keep in touch with your audience even when they’re not reading your posts or watching your videos.

How Email Marketing Works

First, you get your followers to enter their email addresses using a sign-up form or landing page. As an incentive, you would create a valuable item to give away for free, such as an e-book or online course. This item is called a lead magnet.

Once your subscriber enters their email address, it is added (or captured) to your email list (list of subscribers). The subscriber receives your lead magnet and you can now send emails to them to build trust and to continue advertising your products, blog posts, and videos.

You can use email marketing software to give lead magnets and send pre-written emails on autopilot based on the actions of the subscriber. However, you can also choose to send an email manually to announce a new product, blog post, or video that has just been released. This is known as a broadcast email or email blast.

As you can see, email marketing allows you to advertise your affiliate products apart from your post or video content. This increases your chances of making money from affiliate marketing.

Email Marketing Software

Here are several options for email marketing software you can choose from:

SoftwareDescriptionPrice (for 1K subscribers)
KitSpecializes in content creators and online influencers; my top recommendationFREE to get started; $25 per month annually for more features
GetResponseAffordable and innovative email marketing solution$15.58 per month annually
AWeberOffers plenty of tools to grow your online business$20.83 per month annually
Constant ContactTrusted email marketing company for over 30 years$30 per month annually
ActiveCampaignFocuses on automation, supports minority groups$15 per month annually

First of all, you can see that most email marketing software is not free. Many of them do offer free limited-time trials, but afterwards you’ll need to pay. Kit is the exception. It’s free to get started with Kit and you only need to pay when you’re ready to grow your email list.

Second, note that the price is for a list of 1,000 subscribers. If you want to increase the number of subscribers later on, you will need to pay more per month annually.

How to Set Up Email Marketing

Follow these steps to get started with email marketing:

  1. Create a lead magnet, like an e-book or online course, to attract subscribers.
  2. Publish your lead magnet online. If it’s an e-book, upload it as a PDF on Google Drive.
  3. Sign up for an account with an email marketing software.
  4. Create an email list and an automated email sequence.
  5. Write a thank-you email that will be sent when someone subscribes. Remember to provide them with a link to your lead magnet.
  6. Write follow-up emails that provide links to your content that are related to the topic of your lead magnet. If your lead magnet is a blogging e-book, share a piece of content you did on blog hosting providers.
  7. Set each follow-up email to be sent every 1 or 2 days after the previous email.
  8. Create a sign-up form or landing page using your email marketing software.
  9. Embed the form onto your blog or share a link to the landing page on your social media.
  10. If you have a new piece of content to share, send a broadcast email about it using your email marketing software.

Over time, you should see more traffic to your content and thus a higher chance of making sales with affiliate marketing.

Tip 2: Move to a Second Platform

Once you’re established on one platform, you can practice using a second platform. Go back to step 2 to see what platforms you can use.

Follow these steps to move to a second platform:

  1. Explore other online platforms.
  2. Sign up on a platform that works for you.
  3. Repurpose content on your original platform for the new platform.
  4. Publish your repurposed content on the new platform regularly.
  5. Include links to your original platform on the new platform.
  6. Include links to your new platform on the original one.

You can now monetize the content on your second platform in addition to your original one. This can also give you a higher chance of making affiliate commissions.

Tip 3: Learn How to Do Online Marketing

Marketing to people can be challenging. After all, you need to be persuasive and convince people to buy. You also need to play by the rules of good marketing practices. So how can you learn everything you need to know about online marketing?

That’s where Legendary Marketer comes in.

For just $5.00, you get access to a special 5-day training that will show you:

  • How to build funnels that convert to sales
  • What niche you should focus on
  • How to market without showing your face
  • How to create content that sells easily
  • How to develop the right mindset for success
  • What your online business plan looks like

You will also get free bonus templates to jumpstart your online business, plus a friendly advisor who can answer your questions and help you out.

You can get started with Legendary below.

Affiliate Marketing FAQs

How do I sign up as an affiliate?

You can sign up as an affiliate by going to the website of the brand you want to promote or by finding a product or brand on a marketplace site like Impact, Amazon, or CJ Affiliate.

How much can I make with affiliate marketing?

It all depends on what products you sell and how well you’re marketing them. If you have high-paying products but have only made little to no sales, you can learn how to do online marketing with Legendary Marketer. And by the way, there’s no guarantee that you will make a lot of money, but it never hurts to try.

Why am I not making affiliate commissions?

First, check to see if there is traffic visiting your affiliate content. If you have a lot of traffic but are not making sales, check your links to make sure they work. You may also need to make your message more convincing. Give your audience good reasons to buy!


And that’s it for my complete guide on how to start affiliate marketing and make money as a beginner. Here’s a summary of what you learned:

  • A niche is an area of life that will be the foundation of your affiliate content.
  • You know how to pick a platform and create content.
  • You can get topic ideas using AI and research on Google.
  • Ways to get traffic are SEO, online communities, and social collaborations.
  • You can find a brand to promote using an affiliate marketplace.
  • You know how to make good content for your affiliate links.
  • Email marketing, a second platform, and online training can help increase your affiliate marketing income.

While it’s a simple process, affiliate marketing takes a lot of hard work and dedication. However, your labor will turn into passive income once you have the right content and marketing in place. Hopefully, this guide will help get you closer to making money with affiliate marketing.

Further Reading

For more information on affiliate marketing, check out these resources:

  • Affilorama: this website provides lessons, materials, and analytics to help you get started as an affiliate. Affilorama is free, but there are special ebooks and templates you can buy.
  • ODi Productions: Odi has a website, YouTube channel, and podcast where you can learn how to get traffic from affiliate marketing and blogging.
  • Affiliate Marketer Training: Mike uses this blog to teach people like you how to succeed as an online affiliate marketer with blog posts and a free course.

Thanks for reading and happy earning!